Sunday, 19 June 2016

Books my son loves

When my son was born my husband and I vowed to read to him as often as we could.   As a result my son absolutely loves books.  He enjoys having the one to one time with whoever is looking after him and climbs onto their leg/lap with the book he would like them to read.  Once you're done reading to him, he will grab another book and walk off to his armchair and try and read it himself - it's the cutest!

When he was a baby baby, we had a bunch of Usborne books as a great first sensory experience, books with lots of colours and textures like: 

This then progressed to being able to read my son stories once he could see all of the colours and I would have to say his all time favourite was (he loved the butterfly and his first proper smiles and giggles were at the butterfly): 

He still reads the book now and as a result we have had to tape the spine, many many times.  We do have a replacement but that won't ever be used my son!  He was then gifted these books: 

And his life has never been the same since.  He was also gifted Superworm by the same author and illustrator but that has never stuck and although he likes the pictures, he's not so bothered about the story.  These two however, he loves everything about them and the fact that there is an amazing animation of Room on the Broom with some of the finest voiceovers ever (David Walliams) makes it even better. 

In addition to these two, my son is now obsessed with these two books: 

He insists that they be read at least twice a day and loves following the pictures.  He even does the same noises I do with the Super Smelly Alien book before I even start reading.  Either of these are used as bedtime stories because he just can't get enough of them.  And finally, my mum has recently bought him this book: 

A lift the flap book about cars, which he loves looking at.  He can't read any of the words yet nor is it worth trying to explain the detail they go to telling you about cars and their lives and backgrounds but if he continues to be obsessed with cars and wheels this will be the best thing that's ever happened to him when he can start reading. 

Finally, the book I will be buying for literally all of my friends for 1 year birthdays is this:
My cousin bought it for my son for his birthday and he absolutely loves it.  He obviously has no idea how to spell his own name right now but he loves the illustration particularly the winding trail which we trace with our fingers and the dragon on the D page as the page is "hot" from the fire he's breathing out.  This is an amazing gift and I'm so pleased my cousin actually explained that his name is at the end (I know it seems silly, but you wouldn't have any idea it was personalised) - we have a friend who was also gifted this book for her son and had no idea that it was a personalised book (clearly it had never been read to her son)  In posting the links for this blog post I have now seen they have other books too so I will definitely be buying the space one for my son, he loves anything to do with "tar" and has his own Supermario star plushie that gets a lot of cuddles.  I would recommend it to anyone and I would love to hear what your kids favourite books are and your best character noise from it! 


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