Monday, 2 May 2016

More cross-stitching

The aida finally turned up and everything was pushed to the side to allow for me to finish this thing.  I think had I have had full days to do it, it would have been finished in two.  I really enjoyed doing this one as it was so simple and I did get a bit obsessive about it, "just one more letter, just let me finish this letter" etc.  This is another piece to go in my son's bedroom and now there is just one more I need to acquire and do and his artwork will be done and I can focus on another room.  So without further ado, here is my son's new piece of artwork: 

Obviously it needs to be framed but I absolutely love it.  I love the colours and the different fonts and it will suit the playfulness of the nursery decor perfectly.  My son has a while yet before he will understand or know what it's from but I'm hoping it's a piece that will grow with him or any siblings he will have in the future.  If not, then I will donate it but at least it will have had some life in our house.  

This is where I got it from originally and what theirs looked like:
My husband loves Mary Poppins (I think it's creepy and Dick Van Dyke's accent is awful) so in a bid to have a little bit of both of us in the house, I thought this was perfect. 

One more to go which I will keep a secret but I can't wait to buy the pattern and get started. 


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