Thursday, 5 November 2015

What's new pussycat?

My nail varnish and new house bits have turned up - also I have had no time for ironing or laundry BUT I have bought my first lot of Christmas presents and some outfits for my son's calendar shoot.  No that's not where I end my post however in a nutshell this is what I will be discussing.

I seem to have less and less time in the days I'm not at work although admittedly I did spend a couple of hours wrapping Christmas presents! 

In a bid to welcome in winter my toes are now unintentionally looking like something out of Frozen as my other nail varnish was chipping. 

We have also been trying to sort the house out as my son will be walking imminently (he is standing without holding onto things but not taking a step yet) so we need to baby proof badly as we have managed to steer him away from things thus far.  We have managed to put up our bottom up blinds (please ignore the palm tree)... 

And assembled and installed our radiator cover which I think makes our hall look ridiculously smart. 

In trying to prepare for the busiest time for our family, I have finalised my son's birthday celebrations and booked his birthday photoshoot and cake smash.  I have also thrown some family photos in there as there are no professional photos of the three of us.   This gives me a deadline to lose the weight I wanted to but I still have a stone and a half to go.  The great thing is though if I don't lose it all I don't think I will be so distraught as it's clearly visible I have lost weight already and I'm feeling much better about myself!  

I'm trying not to put pressure on myself as sometimes life really does get in the way but if my one to ones with my buggy fit teacher have taught me anything, it's that I need to do literally 5 minutes a day and I'm set.  No pressure and no serious devotion to it, only problem is finding 5 minutes with a son under 1! 


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