Monday, 23 November 2015

Like a kid in a candy shop

I absolutely love food.  Of course I loved it much more when I could eat whatever I wanted before I found out I was dairy intolerant and before being pregnant.  I have always had a massive sweet tooth and cakes have always been my absolutely favourite.  

Firstly let me start by clearing things up.  How could I not know I was dairy intolerant? Well to put it out there, I only had gas and bloating.  It sounds weird but I didn't realise I was bloated as my weight yoyos a lot and the whole gas thing I thought was down to my predominantly sweet and not so balanced diet.  The first week I went without dairy I was shocked at how much better I felt, I downed pints of milk when I was pregnant to relieve indigestion so I wouldn't have to buy bottles of Gaviscon so it's a wonder I wasn't much worse off.  I do wonder if I would have carried much smaller had I have downed pints of Alpro hazelnut milk instead. 

Anyway I digress.  I love cakes/desserts, a lot.  My favourites have to be black forest gateau and lemon meringue pie (I would also settle for key lime pie if that isn't available).  My birthday cake was a bespoke black forest gateau my husband had managed to acquire through many many phone calls and I will never forget how amazing it was.  I will also not understand how it lasted so long when it tasted so good and I would have a massive slice before/after each meal (ok now I'm seeing why I carried so big when I was pregnant...).  Sweet treats have also been a big weakness of mine and they still are now that I have discovered bars of Cadbury's Bourneville - the creamiest tasting non-dairy chocolate I have had so far! 

I would love to share with you some of my favourite dairy and non-dairy treats: - my son bought my husband a minis pack for Father's Day which went down a treat (especially as I got to have some) - for the warmer seasons, or if you just wrap up like I would because it's so worth it - I have only seen Salted Caramel, Mint Choc and Praline Crunch in the UK but I can vouch for them all and my fave is the mint.  They taste amazing!

There are many many more but some have no websites so I will just leave it with these for now.  They are all amazing and although I miss dairy and shouldn't indulge, if I'm not going anywhere for a few days and it's a particularly bad day... it's totally worth the bloating.  


Monday, 16 November 2015

Onto the next challenge

With November halfway through it feels like Christmas is practically round the corner.   I am somewhat behind with my Christmas present buying but at least half of them have been dealt with.  If this were any other year, my cards would have been written and ready to be posted on 1st December (stamps already attached), all of the presents would have been bought and wrapped and I would have started purchasing the non-perishables for Christmas dinner.

I am yet to stage and photograph my son for the Christmas card photos despite having the outfit and the props so no Christmas cards have been ordered and Christmas food shopping will have to be done in its entirety (much to my distaste as I despise Christmas crowds) nearer to the time.  This will not be happening next year I cannot allow the stress of being this behind again! 

That being said I'm so excited for Christmas this year because it will be my son's first official one.  Last year, we were holed up in hospital waiting to be discharged but our results had gone missing but that is another story for another time. This year, we will be spending the holidays with family and celebrating on the correct day with all of the lights and the food and the bloating and the presents.  Christmas, if you hadn't already realised is my favourite holiday of the whole year.  I love nothing more than to prepare for it and although it feels like an anti-climax when the tree is bare underneath, there is nothing more satisfying than seeing your loved ones enjoying the presents you have painstakingly chosen and wrapped.  I know my son won't quite understand what's going on but what I hope he will understand is the love and excitement of it all.  

We still have the wreath I made on maternity leave from last year so this year, I think I might try my hand at making some tree decorations before our tree is decorated with decorations by my son.  So without further ado, below are some I have seen which I absolutely love.  Oh and just in case you were wondering... 39 days left! 

I've made this one before so I know I can!
What are you planning to make this Christmas? 


Wednesday, 11 November 2015

Poops and giggles

I have just spent an hour cleaning up projectile vomit. 

Motherhood has its perks and I know that poop and vomit were not going to be two of them but it really is true what they say, you will find yourself discussing poop like it's nothing like I currently am.  I have discussed newborn poop, weaning poop, unwell poop and teething poop.  None of them are particularly pleasant and I never thought I would hear myself say this but I miss newborn poop having smelt and dealt with all of the others.  

My son is sick yet again and although this isn't the first time he has projectiled, this is the first time he has done it all over his foam play mats and toys.  The last hour has been both gross and exhausting.  Thank God for Dettol.  Unfortunately when he did it, my shock made him shocked so he didn't know what to do and neither did I for a moment.  Then I spent an hour trying to get my son away from the concentration of vomit.  Boys are gross from birth, clearly.  When he finally fell asleep, I knew what I had to face and it didn't make it any easier. 

The one thing that has surprised me about all of this is that although it is gross, I took a picture of it and shared it with my husband and sister.  I always thought I would be ok with nappy contents, wet or soiled but never the vomit.  How wrong I was.  I personally think I handled this situation like a trooper and maybe my pride led to the overshare but why should I have to suffer alone? 

On the flip side of this my son has decided that the whole world is hilarious and spends most of the day laughing at things.  I'm pretty sure that he's not delirious from being unwell and I absolutely love hearing him laugh.  I will do anything to make him laugh and I have found myself hiding behind things, gesturing wildly, making up ridiculous voices and rewording songs to add my son's name (which he thinks is the best thing ever).  There is nothing better than a baby's laugh and that's what I think makes the Pampers advert here so effective... although I don't know many people not using Pampers on their child.  My son's laugh helps me gain some perspective that noone wants to be so serious all of the time.  I have also laughed more because of him and strangely I feel so much better.  My days are more enjoyable, I lose my patience less and I'm just enjoying my son and his laughter.  It only took us 10 months but we've finally arrived and I want it to be like this forever.   Maybe minus the disgusting smelling poop and projectile vomit.


Monday, 9 November 2015


I am in the process of compiling a set of photos of each immediate relatives baby photo to go on our hallway wall above our radiator cover.  This has been no easy task as obviously none of my son's grandparents were born in the digital age and camera were not so user friendly or inexpensive as they are today.  That being said, my sister and I have just spend the best part of an hour discussing our family's past and sharing photos from yesteryear speculating what happened around that moment. 

Pictures of relatives that are no longer with us, pictures of relatives with people we don't know and can only wonder who they are and what they were like.  I have always been curious about the past and my favourite subject at school was history.  I'm very mixed race (as in more than two races) and I'm proud to be, I have such a rich heritage and I hope to be able to share that with my son one day so he too can be proud of his roots.  There is something about the past that stirs my emotions.  My imagination always runs wild wondering what it was like.  

Today though, it was a bag of mixed emotions.  Learning about the almost misfortunes of some of my family and seeing those who I haven't seen in many years was all a bit much.  What I did enjoy out of it were the eras of fashion and the wedding outfits worn by all of the women.  I'm not a massive follower of fashion as I have come to realise I don't have the type of body that can wear literally anything and look good in it.  I am pretty realistic at knowing what suits me and what doesn't so I stick to the same styles.  I am however, a lover of the 40s and 50s silhouette and it's something my larger hourglass self can wear without looking ridiculous. 

I obviously won't be posting some of the pictures I came across today as although noone except me will know who they are, it feels a little disrespectful to upload relatives photos for the world to critique their outfits.  What I will do however is share videos I have loved watching on youtube and I look forward to seeing new ones whenever they are posted.  These videos combine my love of history with my interest in beauty and fashion and I hope you enjoy them as much as I do.  Thank you for your research. 

What's your favourite era? If you don't have one, what were your favourite looks from these videos? 


Thursday, 5 November 2015

What's new pussycat?

My nail varnish and new house bits have turned up - also I have had no time for ironing or laundry BUT I have bought my first lot of Christmas presents and some outfits for my son's calendar shoot.  No that's not where I end my post however in a nutshell this is what I will be discussing.

I seem to have less and less time in the days I'm not at work although admittedly I did spend a couple of hours wrapping Christmas presents! 

In a bid to welcome in winter my toes are now unintentionally looking like something out of Frozen as my other nail varnish was chipping. 

We have also been trying to sort the house out as my son will be walking imminently (he is standing without holding onto things but not taking a step yet) so we need to baby proof badly as we have managed to steer him away from things thus far.  We have managed to put up our bottom up blinds (please ignore the palm tree)... 

And assembled and installed our radiator cover which I think makes our hall look ridiculously smart. 

In trying to prepare for the busiest time for our family, I have finalised my son's birthday celebrations and booked his birthday photoshoot and cake smash.  I have also thrown some family photos in there as there are no professional photos of the three of us.   This gives me a deadline to lose the weight I wanted to but I still have a stone and a half to go.  The great thing is though if I don't lose it all I don't think I will be so distraught as it's clearly visible I have lost weight already and I'm feeling much better about myself!  

I'm trying not to put pressure on myself as sometimes life really does get in the way but if my one to ones with my buggy fit teacher have taught me anything, it's that I need to do literally 5 minutes a day and I'm set.  No pressure and no serious devotion to it, only problem is finding 5 minutes with a son under 1! 


Monday, 2 November 2015

30s thoughts

They say when you turn 30 or at least by the time you're in your 30s you know what you want and you care less about other people's opinion.  At the moment that's not 100% true for me at least not the caring about other opinions but I more or less know what I want out of life now that I'm a mother. 

I don't think there will ever come a time where I don't feel affected by other's perceptions and opinions.  For me it's human nature and if people don't like how much it affects me then don't speak to me!  Being dumped by "friends" is one thing that is like water off a ducks back with me, I have true friends that I love and who love me so I don't need pretenders.  Family members and their opinions about parenting however, cut me like a knife and I find it very hard to ignore. 

Before baby, I thought I would try and be BeyoncĂ©.  To have it all, the career, the husband and the gorgeous baby.  Since my son's birth I now realise I'm Adele, I have the husband, the gorgeous baby and work plays second fiddle.  I'm not saying BeyoncĂ© is better than Adele, just that her priorities are different (I'm also not saying she puts work above Blue Ivy as that's not true either I'm sure).   I work because I love to challenge my brain and also I need the money, but if it wasn't about the money it would be to have a change.  I think that to develop the relationship my son and I have, I need to be someone else for a day or two to devote my mum-self to him entirely.  

For me personally, I do not have the time, energy or even inclination to further my career.  I did before my baby but now, any study time to develop myself would be time away from my son.  Maybe in the future I will change my mind but this is not my priority.  This doesn't mean I'm a bum and I will just do my 9 to 5 with barely any effort so as to get through the day.  That just isn't me.  What this does mean is that, whilst I'm happy to learn what my technical colleagues do all day and what they work on, I will not be assisting them in doing it.  I will always be a team player but the extent of this is now greatly reduced. 

What I want is to have a relationship with my son and husband where they know that I love them both unconditionally.  What I want is to have a house I'm proud to live in, to say that I worked hard to have it and that it's in an area where I don't feel unsafe.  I want to have friends who love me for me, to be surrounded by love and to be able to trust and have a support system.  I have all of these things and I do not want to lose any of them.  Aside from being financially comfortable, which I think the whole world wants, I could not want for anything else.