Monday, 7 September 2015

Every cloud

Dare I say it, two days in the working world were not as difficult as I expected!  

The difficulty however with starting a new role when returning from maternity leave is that people try to ease you in gently and this neither distracts you from the fact you have left your son or keeps you busy.  As I had been informed though, because I am used to multitasking all day without thinking about it, being organised in the work place is a walk in the park.  

I don't want to get too cocky too soon as inevitably I will make a mistake due to lack of sleep but I am already starting to reap the benefits of working and as is my son.  I feel like I can actually still function as an adult despite only a couple of days earlier while making my husband a cup of tea I had put the tea bag canister on the drainer but left the cupboard open where it belonged to remind me to put it away.  I'm ashamed to say it took a good 5 minutes to find it hiding in plain sight.  My son on the other hand has become even more sociable and this weekend... crawled for the first time.  His crawling is more a dragging of one of his legs but small victories and it also means he won't be so frustrated trying to walk to things when he can't as he now has a comfortable medium.  

Absence has definitely made the heart grow fonder and I have enjoyed the weekend bonding with my son so without trying to sound like I'm reassuring myself, I genuinely think this new change has been good for the both of us.  Here's hoping things continue this way and maybe if I'm lucky one day my husband might be able to join us part time too. 

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