Friday, 14 August 2015

DIY updates

This week I have been quiet as my son now no longer sleeps well (during the day or at night) so not only have I been prioritising naptime for both of us to actually be able to function until daddy gets home.  This becomes quite difficult if you have booked to see people or have classes which we do during a normal week.  As one mum put it, "it's not all cleaning and bouncing my daughter on my knee all day long".  I seem to have been inundated with ironing these past couple of weeks and I don't know where it's all come from as I have been keeping up with laundry I think.  Finally though, the majority of the ironing was done at the start of the week to make way for other things. 

My husband and I both had lists of stuff to complete at the weekend and my husband managed to complete all of his.  I unfortunately have still not and it is almost the weekend again.  I did however manage to do the following: 
  • Make the dining room voiles more baby proof
  • Cut down two more trees in the garden and then trim the branches down to fit into recycling bags 
  • Install the rest of the cork to the study 
  • Mash some more fruit for my son to eat
 I have also decided what art goes where in my mind and how I will do it which doesn't sound important or necessary but we have barely any mirrors in the house and just bare walls everywhere which to me is boring. 

My husband I are fans of superheros, as you may have seen from a previous post with my embroidered alphabet so we will be having superhero-ish art in the study from Andry Rajoelina's Super Families series which are available to buy at Geekstore (link attached to the photo).
Family Assemble (Avengers)
I have also managed to do this to my son's light switch with electrical tape, but I need to move the ears further out.  

I was inspired by this site if you would prefer to buy them:  My study photo will follow in another update once I have painted the cork, also my son is awake again so I'm off to be an entertainer. 


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