Tuesday, 16 June 2015

Nailing art of the amateur kind

I like to consider myself creative and I do try hard to be a perfectionist but I am definitely not an artist by any means.  I have never been great at drawing, but what I am good at is watching other people do things and then copying it and adapting it so it's easy for me to do.  I have always learnt best by being shown everything first and then getting a chance to go through it.  Talking me through anything makes me glaze over, especially now I am sleep-deprived. 

I have loved nail art for a long time and even pregnant I made sure my toenails were always painted albeit by someone else in my last couple of months.  I have also always made sure my nails are done for special events because I don't see the point in nail varnish for everyday wear, it upsets me when it gets chipped after day 2. 

Past designs have been mostly floral or geometric with the odd beach here and there, sported by my sister whose toenails I also paint with nail art for holidays and special occasions.  I have never attended formal training so I am in no way a professional but I find it relaxing, especially when the art comes out the way I intended.  I am also the proud owner of a nail kit now so I can be a little bit more accurate on the art but I will keep you updated if I try anything new! 

Please excuse mine and my sister's feet...

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